No matter whether the travel is to perform pilgrimage, pay a visit for personal or work-related matters, the awareness about distance and other options of reaching that place becomes crucial. Therefore, we have come up with a whole information concerning distance from Jaipur to Prayagraj, finest route options and available travel alternatives which would definitely save your precious time and ease up your entire process. Our Company Rajasthan cab will help you in planning your journey hassle free.
Jaipur to Prayagraj Distance
The distance from Jaipur to Prayagraj by road is 665 km. However, travel hours would be around 11-12 hours with the traffic conditions and the road you take along the route. However, the distance covered in terms of air will be around 530 kilometers. So, that makes it a decent route for anyone traveling by the air.
How to get from Jaipur to Prayagraj?
There are so many ways you can travel to reach from Jaipur to Prayagraj:
There are so many roads that can be taken to reach here through road. One can travel through his/her personal car or else can also book a taxi to reach there. The road connects you to the NH21 and NH19. The roads are also well connected with a great sceneric view. It is a really great experience to travel to Prayagraj in Rajasthan Cab Company’s cab. The traffic and routes need not to be worried for because it would drive all the ways through which you’ll be reaching your place.
By Train
Train is the other alternative; there are trains for covering distance from Jaipur to Prayagraj; the fare is less for the journey; the train takes off straight or even through Kanpur, and is available at times. The approximate time for traveling by train would be 10-14 hours.
By Air
If you are saving some of your time then flight is a best option for travelling between these two cities. There is no direct flight to Prayagraj from Jaipur. For getting there take either flight from Delhi and Lucknow airport. Taking the layover time into account, travel will take at least 5-7 hours. You can hire a taxi from the Airport of Prayagraj city after you reach that airport.
By Road
Buses: There are state and private buses operating from Jaipur to Prayagraj. It is the cheapest way to reach here. But journeys by bus are quite long, and it will take nearly 14-16 hours to reach here.
Best Time to Visit
The best time to travel from Jaipur to Prayagraj by road is from October to March. These periods make the summers unbearable and rigorous both in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh for road travel. Certain places are not so preferable in the monsoons because all the roads are full of rainwater.
Important Route Information
One can cover distance from Jaipur to Prayagraj and several places and cities, and there are as below.
Agra: Taj Mahal, flawless visit in little time
Kanpur: An industrial city also having tourist values
Fatehpur Sikri: Also a UNESCO heritage site on way
Whether you travel by road or train or sky, the travelling distance from Jaipur to Prayagraj would be quite bearable if taken with proper arrangements. Each option has its convenience based on your choice of budget. Making your journey relaxed and fun safe is possible for you if you pre-book with the Rajasthan Cab Company.
Plan for your tour, and make your travelling experience from Jaipur to Prayagraj memorable!
Distance from Jaipur to Prayagraj Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1. How much road distance is to be covered by journey from Jaipur to Prayagraj?
Answer : It is around 665 kilometers which depends upon what road is covered.
Q2. What distance of road is available between Jaipur to Prayagraj?
Answer : This would take almost 11-12 hours, considering the traffic and road conditions too.
Q3. How many direct trains are there from Jaipur to Prayagraj?
Answer : Yes, there is a direct train like Jaipur-Allahabad Express. There are some connecting trains also; one of the connections is also via Kanpur.
Q4. How can a cab be booked from Jaipur to Prayagraj?
Answer : One can hire a cab from the Rajasthan Cab Company, which serves best in this country at very less cost that goes for Prayagraj. Its customer service desk is available in the place you may call them by dialing about your reservations along with other information you may like.